Monday, September 8, 2008

High-Fructose Corn Syrup Ads...

In case you hadn't seen those new ads promoting high-fructose corn syrup...well, here they are:

Like many other people, I grew up being told that corn syrup was just as bad as sugar except less...natural. I guess its fine in moderation but little by little that stuff adds up fast. Anyways, what do you guys think?


Kim Ayres said...

"Like sugar, it's fine in moderation"

Hahahahahahaha. When did the food industry ever put so little in it counts as moderation?

It reminds me of a cartoon I saw once of a person standing on the scales saying "I don't understand! I've eaten 15packets of these diet cookies and haven't lost a pound!"

Apex Zombie said...

I'm willing to admit I don't know much about HFCS, but I like my sugar in sucrose form :D

Ed Rhodes said...

They're right. There IS nothing wrong with it in moderation.