Friday, October 17, 2008

Full-Figured Friday

Some of the things I've learned since I've been on a diet is that weight loss does not happen overnight. Pretty obvious, right? But that hasn't stopped me from wishing I'd wake up one day being about 50 lbs lighter. The reason why I wished I'd lose weight as fast as humanly possible is cause I'm not happy with the way I look. Even though I'm working on it, I still feel that I should love myself regardless of the number on the scale. So I decided to look up some other people that are a little on the heavy side. Plus sized or full-figured models. I was absolutely shocked to find how many there are out there. Not only that but they are so proud of their bodies! Now I'm not saying that its ok to be overweight, but I am saying that everyone should love matter what they currently look like.

So full-figured friday is gonna start off with an up and coming model called Whitney Thompson. She was the first plus sized woman to win America's Next Top Model and even though she is only a size 10 (not all that plus, if you ask me) she is still beautiful and inspiring.
ok...14 not 10...damn you Wikipedia...though she looks more of a 10 than 14


Donnalouise said...

Hi! Tony tagged us both and so I figure I'd drop by to visit your blog. Love full-figure Friday! And yes, that model is hot and looks great...would never guess she is a size 14.

R.Duke said...

That's.... yeah, that's really sexy. Not sexier than you, but close.