So I'd thought I'd do this thing that I stole from FLG, which he stole from Dietgirl. The title pretty much says it all. It's a list of 8 things I'd like to do before I die. Which hopefully won't happen in a long time.
1-Write a book: I'm not sure what kind of book. Maybe an inspirational type or a children's book, I don't know yet. All I know is that I want to see my work published, so everyone can read it. I want my voice to be heard.
2- See the world: I want to travel. I want to travel all over the world. There are so many beautiful places to see, people to meet, things to try. There are so many different cultures, and I want to experience them all. My tops are definitively Japan, Europe, Australia, Alaska, and China. Erhm, so pretty much everything.
3- Win an award: I've never won an award for anything and I don't know what I'd win one for. All I know is that I want one.
4- Grow a garden: Whether its just a couple of plants or a vegetable garden. I want one so I can take care of something. Plant it myself, nurture it, and watch it grow into something beautiful. Sort of like having children except without the fear of messing them up.
5- Learn to drive: Trust me, if you lived in PR you'd understand why I'm scared shitless of driving. The idea of driving here makes me so nervous, its almost unbearable. So one day I hope to toss those fears aside and become MOBILE!!!
6- Live in a big city: Even if its until I go insane, I want to live in an important big city. I want to feel like I'm in the center of everything. Whether its being in the capital of fashion, food, movies, technology; I don't care, I want to be there. Of course, I run the risk of getting attacked by a huge monster/natural disaster...cause you know how they love attacking big cities.
7- Go bungee jumping/skydiving: I want to take life to the extreme! Cause y'know, I don't go through enough dangerous circumstances in my daily life. I want to conquer my fears. Cause I'm not scared of heights...I'm just scared shitless of falling hundreds of feet to certain doom.
8- Love myself: I've always had really low self-esteem. Even when I was little. I've always been so shy and quiet and thought so little of myself. Well I want that to stop. I want to feel beautiful and be proud of who I am. I want to hold my head high and not think I'm less than anyone around me. I want to not care what anyone says or thinks, except for me. I want to care about me.